A dependable workforce can unlock a path to a stronger economy and financial success across New York. By helping New York’s immigrant residents gain access to safe, reliable transportation, New York businesses will see new connections and opportunities in the form of $57 million tax revenues to the state. That is why allowing eligible New Yorkers to apply for a state driver’s license, regardless of immigration status, is not just good state policy — it’s good business.
Annual spending power of New York immigrants
Number of workers employed at immigrant-owned businesses in New York
Granting licenses would bring in $57 million annually for New York
New York lawmakers are considering legislation that would allow undocumented residents to go through the same steps for a driver’s license as anyone else in New York State. This includes taking a driver’s education course, passing a driving test, and providing proof of New York State residency.
Under this measure New York State would gain financially, receiving an estimated $57 million in combined annual revenues, and $26 million in one-time revenues. It would also make communities and roads across the state safer by ensuring that law enforcement officials can concentrate on real public safety priorities, decreasing the rate of uninsured drivers, and reducing traffic fatality rates.
Limiting access to driver’s licenses stunts economic mobility — which hurts all New Yorkers. That is why allowing undocumented New Yorkers to apply for a driver’s license is common-sense policy that would make the state more prosperous by strengthening its workforce and customer base.
“GREEN LIGHT NY” BILL. ALBANY, NY – On behalf of the New York Smart Growth Coalition, spokesperson Will Brunelle released… Read More
“GREEN LIGHT NY” BILL. ALBANY, NY – On behalf of the New York Smart Growth Coalition, spokesperson Will Brunelle released… Read More
OF “GREEN LIGHT NY” BILL. ALBANY, NY – On behalf of the New York Smart Growth Coalition, spokesperson Will Brunelle… Read More